Antifungal 2-in-1 acrylic primer - 5L


11,59  netto + 23% VAT

Producent: Bosman - professional series for everbody
It blocks the ingress of water
Protects against fungi
For smooth and porous surfaces
Deeply penetrating
Inside and out
Rain resistant
Resistant to UV radiation
Moisture resistant
Shelf life 12 months
Application temperature from 5 ° C

The product is available in the amount of:

5 l canister

Use by date:

12 months from the production date specified on the packaging

Store at a temperature from +5 ° C to +25 ° C (in a closed container in a dry and cool place).


Product properties

The antifungal acryl primer 2-in-1 emulsion is used for priming substrates made of concrete, cement, gypsum, etc. it penetrates the substrate primed, strengthening it and protecting it against moisture and preventing the growth of fungi. in case of existing mildew on the wall, it is essential that it is removed using special preparations, e.g.: 'bosman' anifungal preparation; then, after 24 hours, the priming emulsion should be used. it is also essential to remove the cause of mildew appearance: sogginess and/or poor ventilation. otherwise, the effect of the emulsion will be short-lived. applying the acrylic primer emulsion under paints, adhesives and self-levelling compounds allows reduction of consumption of these materials. the emulsion makes the primed substrate non-absorbent. the preparation can be applied indoors and outdoors.

It penetrates brittle and weak substrates quickly. it protects against moisture and prevents emergence of an environment favourable for fungi development. it reduces absorbency. it improves adherence of paints, plasters and fillers. it creates an impermeable coat.



Degrease, vacuum and dry the substrate. Use at temperatures above +5 C. The product is ready for use. The priming emulsion is applied undiluted with a brush or roller. In the case of priming gypsum substrates / gypsum surfaces /, the substrate should be tested or primed with a solution of priming emulsion ready for use with paint in a ratio of 1: 1. Highly absorbent surfaces can be primed twice.


Logistics information

Packaging type:
Collective package:
Quantity on a pallet
5 l
canister (PE)
1 pcs.
108 pcs.

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