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Bosman’ gun adhesive for EPS 750 ml


23,09  netto + 23% VAT

Producent: Bosman - professional series for everbody
For smooth and porous surfaces
Inside and out
Thermal resistance after hardening from -50 ° C to 90 ° C
Rain resistant
Resistant to UV radiation
Moisture resistant
Shelf life 12 months
Application temperature from 5 ° C to 30 ° C
The product is authorized for marketing and general use


750ml - max 45 l

The product is available in the amount of:

750 ml can

Use by date:

12 months from the production date specified on the packaging

Store at a temperature of +5 ° C. up to +25 ° C.


Product properties

BOSMAN adhesive for eps foam is a one-component adhesive without solvents that undergoes curing under the influence of airborne moisture; used for fastening eps boards; to be applied using a foam gun. Bonding eps, epx, and pur boards and similar boards to concrete blocks, calcium silicates, aerated concrete, bricks, plasters (including hydroinsulating ones using bituminous compounds and solutions). In particular, thermal insulation of foundations, cellar walls and similar underground parts of buildings. Vertical expansion joints in masonry. Joint sealing, for example at window sills, sill tiles, balcony tiles, cellar windows, or windows in basement. This applies to both new and refurbished buildings.



The surfaces to be glued must be load-bearing, compact, clean, dry and degreased. Fresh plaster and concrete must be fully seasoned. Molded insulation boards may contain release agents. Carry out an adhesion test. If necessary, sand the back surface of the plates. It is recommended to roughen very smooth, even and impermeable surfaces. The foundations, basement walls and similar underground parts of the building should be cleaned of soil, algae and mosses. Stir the can with glue very well just before use. Screw on the gun. The initial piece of adhesive (approx. 30 cm) is directed to the side (not to be used) until the pressure in the gun is equalized. Apply on one side to the substrate with vertical stripes at 20-30 cm intervals. For slabs 150-160 cm wide, at least 3 strips should be applied. At the underground parts of the structure, always start sticking the panels from the bottom, resting the bottom row on the footing. In other cases, attach the starting strip to support the boards. Place the boards on the substrate after approx. 10 minutes after applying the adhesive, and then press evenly and firmly. The remaining gaps and joints between the boards should be similarly filled with glue. Cover the excavation with soil about 3 weeks after sticking the boards. Remove dirt with a BOSMAN polyurethane foam cleaner. Note that the cleaner may react with the polystyrene board and lead to its damage. Cured adhesive can only be removed mechanically. Places where the adhesive is exposed to UV radiation must be protected within 10 days of applying the adhesive. For UV protection, use plastering mortars, gypsum putty or flexible sealing putties (silicone, acrylic).

UWAGA! Przy użyciu do podziemnych części budowli klej można stosować wyłącznie w systemach hydroizolacji lekkiej przeciwwilgociowej. Nie stosować w przypadku ciągłej ekspozycji na wodę (np. hydroizolacja ciężka przeciwwodna). Nie stosować do PE, PP, teflonu, powierzchni silikonowych, pokrytych środkami przeciwpoślizgowymi, nawilżającymi (np. membrany z filmem PE). Nie stosować do podłoży hydroizolacyjnych za pomocą bitumicznych wyrobów rozpuszczalnikowych — ryzyko uszkodzenia płyt (zapoznać się dokładnie z instrukcją wyrobu i sprawdzić, czy producent przewiduje możliwość klejenia płyt styropianowych). Płyty można kleić po całkowitym wyschnięciu powłok hydroizolacyjnych — zapoznać się z instrukcją wyrobu. Nie stosować podczas opadów i unikać silnie nasłonecznionych powierzchni. Czas utwardzenia jest silnie uzależniony od temperatury otoczenia i wilgotności powietrza. Im wyższa wilgotność bezwzględna powietrza, tym krótszy czas utwardzenia się kleju.


Logistics information

Packaging type:
Collective package:
Quantity on a pallet
750 ml
16 pcs.
768 pcs.

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